As distant or distant as they may seem, the history of science has an indissoluble connection that is born when these fields of knowledge are constituted. In the following lines, I hope the reader finds clarity regarding this exciting relationship, which is located in the scientist’s work. To begin, we must understand what history is

History as a discipline in social sciences reconstructs the past from documents and evidence (material and oral) that are classified, valued, and interpreted. Questioned and connected with other facts, subject to critical analysis. With the intention of understanding and explaining the dynamics of past societies. When executing this task, the historian’s definition is to answer precise questions. That arises from the present and arises from the needs of his time. Therefore, historiography (which is history written from the investigation and reflection of the past) narrates. Describes and explains the past in the light of the present.

What is the History of Science?

The history of science is not an account of chronologically related events, nor is it a debate of problems and solutions of experimental practice, nor is it the description of conjectures and refutations. Or the replacement of techniques, theories, concepts, or concepts methods. It is a historiographical narrative that describes the process of transformation and evolution of human cognitive action. It details the historicity behind experimentation and the theories that seek to understand, apprehend and intervene in the world from the criteria of scientific rationality. 1 In this sense, the history of science explains the path that human beings have followed. To find solutions to specific problems and learn about aspects of reality. two

In The Narrative of the History of Science

epistemic and social interconnections constitute a diachronic content where scientific and technological transformations are only explain by a network of relationships and causal successions of an economic, political, material, environmental, cultural, etc., religious, spatial and epistemic.

In The Explanatory Character Of The History Of Science

epistemology (the study of knowledge) incorporates a historical experience on the construction, institutionalization and legitimacy of the normative elements of science. Its context of justification, its claim to truth and the practical, theoretical and methodological factors. Without neglecting the sociocultural explanation of the exile or permanence of new conceptual criteria. Therefore, the history of science is, in a broad sense, science itself.

History of Science, What For?

Consciously or not, the scientist uses the history of science to situate himself at a specific point in developing certain knowledge and then proceed. Towards new postulates that lead to novel results and, eventually, paradigm shifts. 3 Therefore, the history of science can reveal procedures that become confrontations that trigger the advancement of science.

In the 21st century

faced with rampant scientific and technological development, society experiences uncertainty and disorientation in the face of the unlimited capacity of science. And technology to intervene, modify and redesign the natural world. Even today, it is clear that techno-scientific innovations (medical, telecommunications, food production and consumer goods in general) are causing severe environmental damage. Especially given the vulnerability to control biotechnological inventions. Faced with this concern of the present, the history of science comes to expose -from the past- the cultural, political, economic, spatial and material reasons or causes for which science. And technology were not only impose as good knowledge for understanding. And explaining the world, but also to transform and market it. Thus, the present requires critical analysis and explanations from history that question the positioning of techno-scientific knowledge in today’s world.

The history of science also fulfils the function of safeguarding the heritage of local knowledge. It means that when the scientific past of a region or a country is pulverized or disappears. The history of science recovers and finds practices, theories, proposals, and works of times and places to locate originality, innovation. And historicity of knowledge in a specific time and space.

In this same direction

The process of building a professional and scientific community is unravell in the history of science. For this reason, it can awaken recognition and union identity. That is why in the history of science, one finds the ethos(conduct, character, identity) of the scientist, since in the history of science. As it happens with the account in general, a landscape is outline where human beings find recognition and identity. It aspect is also related to the fact that the history of science is a mirror that reflects the terms with which science constructs the images of the future that it wishes. To achieve in the universe of nature and human beings. Hence it serves to create and manage new institutions of higher education. And display the contents of each scientific profession 4, 5 and where, precisely. One of the uses of scientific memory is found.


The article develops a reflection around some definitions of science, basic and applied sciences. The classification of scientific disciplines and the scientific method as a basis for constructing laws and theories. Emphasis is placed on the progress of science, with its authors, discoveries and inventions through the centuries. Since man appear on Earth and began to use his intelligence to create science and the use of his hands to build machines and instruments. That he invent as an application to the acquired knowledge, originating technology.