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Speakers Write for Us

loudspeaker, too called speaker, in sound reproduction, device for changing electrical energy hooked on acoustical signal energy that is emitted into a room or open air. The term signal energy designates that the electrical energy consumes a specific form, corresponding, for example, to speech, music, or any additional signal in the range of audible frequencies. The loudspeaker must preserve the essential charm of this signal energy in acoustical form.

This definition of a loudspeaker rejects such plans as buzzers, gongs, and sirens, in which the acoustical signal energy does not agree in form to the electrical signal. The part of the speaker that changes electrical into mechanical energy is frequently named the motor, or voice coil.

Speakers Write for Us

The motor shakes a diaphragm that in turn vibrates the air in instant contact with it, producing a sound wave consistent to the pattern of the original speech or music signal. Most frequently the motor contains of a coil of wire touching in a strong magnetic field, but the diaphragm may also be functioned by electrostatic militaries or by the action of a piezoelectric material.

A single loudspeaker cannot fully copy the entire frequency range of logged sound, so it is customary to divide the frequency range into parts that are reproduced by dissimilar kinds of speakers intended for a particular frequency range. The low-frequency speaker is called a woofer, and the high-frequency speaker is named a tweeter. In many sound imitation schemes a third, or midrange, speaker is too used, and in a few schemes there are separate “subwoofers” and “supertweeters” to copy the extremities of the audible spectrum.

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Electroacoustic Transducer
Audio Signal
Crossover Network
Linear Motor
Dynamic Microphone
Edward W. Kellogg
Chester W. Rice
Permanent Magnet
Speaker Enclosure
High Fidelity
Powered Speaker

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